Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tip Of the Day

Pancake Perfection!

One of the most enduring mysteries of the universe for many cooks is cooking the perfect pancake! If you are like me you have often wondered, why the first one turns out to be a flop and your last one is burnt on the outside and runny on the inside?

Well here is one solution you might try next time.

Heat your pan or griddle for 10 minutes (yes, 10 minutes) before pouring batter. I have an electric stovetop that I set at "3 1/2", not low but not medium heat either. Watch for bubbles to form along the margins before attempting your flip and make sure you have your spatula well greased.

Here is another hint for the pancake favorite guilty treat, I use Jiffy Brand Blueberry muffin mix--the directions are included on the back of the box and I have yet to have a batch be inedible and I eat them without needing syrup or butter!

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